This is me….
Blessed with three beautiful girls, I realized my immense love for children, as I mothered, loved, disciplined and doted on them. The girls are 5 years apart and each of them very different from each other- Shanine was chatty, happy, loved wearing my shoes, Kassandra was giggly, stubborn and loved the outdoors, Brittany was happy, mischievous but very ill from a rare disease – something we would only discover and confirm when she was three and a half years old. The news was devastating – doctors dropped the bomb – Brittany would not grow older than 5. I refused to accept that and after nursing her for 20 years, we lost our little Angel. My love for children just grew and grew over the years, and I always quietly dreamt of working with children. It was to be a dream for many years, until Neverending Everything was born! My dream now is to bring different kinds of art, projects, creative art play to children everywhere because every child deserves the freedom of creativity, the right to have their amazing minds stretch to “Neverending” places and to believe that “Everything” is possible! The smiles, shiny eyes, giggling and laughter that children offer freely feeds my soul and gives me peace. My creativity bags are really bags filled with love and compassion. Agape love – the love every child should have.
God Bless the children.
When last have you stopped and chatted to a child? It is food for the soul – well, definitely my soul!
Hazel-Ann Lamberti
( For the children …)